Tuesday 6 January 2015

Electra final shows

First show:
I personally the first show did not go well at all, i was really disappointed with myself because the amount of time i spent learning my lines and then getting on stage and just forgetting what i was meant to of been saying, I think the chorus worked really well together and they really did well.

Second Show:
This performance was a little bit better could of gone better than it did, i still need to work on my lines and not forgetting them at the last second, i think Beth really palled it out the bag and saved us because there was a massive silence because me and Elise forgot our lines.

Third Show:
This performance i personally is the best we have ever performed it no one forgot lines, everyone remembered cues and genial acting was really good it couldn't of gone better, the Chorus did really well they all got their lines spot on.

Forth show:
This performance was not as good as the one before but it was still good, i did not forget my lines so for me it was a good show and one of the best we have done, as a cast i thing we did amazingly and did really well on carrying the shows on and not showing that we messed up.

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