Friday 13 March 2015

Script Review First Draft

The first thing that i think works in my Script is my Storyline because it is so close to home, and its a really a touching story to people that don't know what happened. The second thing i think that works is my dialogue because it is quite touching and heartfelt. The Third thing i think works is the characters because they are mostly male and this different to most plays i have seen before because their is normally a equal amount female and male whereas in my play i have mainly male.
 The first thing that requires development is my structure because i do not really have one at the moment, so i need to figure out how to structure it, I also need to add more to my Script in order to make any editing, I also think i need to have a read though to see how it sounds up on its feet before i change or do anything to the play.
I will make changes like cutting down my main characters long monologues because i feel like she has so much to say and i do not want her to say it all at once i would like to space her lines out a bit more because they are all close together, i do not think that is correct at this point in the play. I feel like my main character gives away to much of her pain whereas she should space it out more so it makes more tension during the play so its not right at the start of the play.
 In the final piece i would like

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