Thursday 27 November 2014

Check list

Natalie Noone


  1. Make sure you are doing all work in posts and linking the posts correctly to their Unit (See Ashley or Katie for help if needed)
  2. Check spelling and punctuation


     3. Upload pictures of each page in your Costume Portfolio, you should have;
  1.  Character and text analysis
  2.  Costume research – Period and social status
  3.  Costume plot for THREE characters
  4.  Written work about how no. 1 has contributed to no. 2
  5.  Colours, fabric swatches and measurements
  6.  Initial designs - Based on established period and social status
  7.  Established designs with written work about practicalities, character portrayal, portrayal of  mood/emotion


  1. Make sure all PAB work is uploaded to blog including slides, notes & presentation recordings
  2. Look at each show of Electra and how well you are doing identify strengths/ weaknesses and what you could do to improve for the next one.
  3. Include a review of Electra Performance at Old Vic


  1. Upload Rush Review


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